Friday, July 31, 2020

7/31 Homework

The projects are coming together

This weekend you need to work on drawing, inking and coloring the assets for the Godzilla project.

Monday we will look at each of your projects and I will give you feedback on how to fine tune them

Also on Monday we will begin talking about adding sound to your animations. 

Thursday, July 30, 2020

7/30 Homework

1. Color your zombie and re-upload to the zombie discussion board
2. Draw, ink and color your characters and backgrounds for the Godzilla animation
  • Keep background simple, no shading or texture, let the program do that for you when you color the work.
  • If you want an object to move independently of the background draw it separately. Example, clouds, butterflies, airplane.
3. Below I have place images that may be of some help. Bird in flight, trees, locations.

Here are some sample backgrounds.

One of your asked about birds, 
below are two flight cycles.


Taking Off

Someone ask about 
different styles of trees.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

7/29 Homework

Great job everyone your 
cartoon heads and bodies 
are looking fantastic!

1. Go to the "Practice Movie" tab at the top of the blog follow the directions as you create a practice movie, export it and up load to the Practice Movie discussion board. Due at the start of class tomorrow.

2. Go to the Draw yourself as a Zombie tab at the top of the blog and follow the directions as you turn yourself into a zombie.

Make to use the techniques you have been shown in class. For drawing, feet, head, hands and the pose.  
Due at the start of class tomorrow

Does anyone recognize this guy?

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

7/28 Homework

1. Upload the sample page shown below of your character to the "Create a full body cartoon character of yourself" board.

2. Upload "Revised full body cartoon character of yourself" to discussion board.


3. Reply to your peers.
  • After uploading your final concept drawing to the "Revised cartoon character" discussion board with its description added to it, please comment on two other fellow students character pages on the discussion boards 
  • Try to find examples from the character description that match the drawing, be specific. 
  • If one person already has two replies move on to someone else. Once you have replied to 2 people you may then go back in and comment on anyone else you would like.
  • limit each response to 30 words.

4. Go to the Heads discussion board and follow the direction on the blog.
  • Take photo
  • Watch video
  • Draw then ink.
  • Make sure to upload the photos you used for the head drawings
  • Due tomorrow morning at the start of class.
  • Upload to the cartoon head discussion board along with the original photo that you based the drawing on.

Monday, July 27, 2020

7/27 Homework

Hi everyone, great job today!

For Homework, I would like you to practice two of the drawing techniques I demonstrated in class. Drawing hands and Feet. 

1. Go to the tabs at the top of the blogs and follow the directions.
2. When complete, upload to the discussion boards of the same name.
3. Due tomorrow at the start of class.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Welcome to class

Class meets
7/27/2020 - 8/6/2020

Our first meeting on 7/27 will be
held online from 9am-1:30pm.

All other meetings will occur online MTWTHF 9am-12:30pm

Go to the tab at the top of the blog titled 
"Basic Class Information and Class Syllabus"
for more information about the class.